Job Summary
The Independent Cinema Office (ICO) is recruiting for new board members. We are especially interested in hearing from people with skills in finance, HR, fundraising and organisational development as well as from people who reflect more widely the communities we serve in audiences across the UK.
Job Description
We are looking for people who love cinema as much as we do and who have the energy, commitment and lived experience to help us continue and develop our work. We are also very interested in young Trustees: we know that the future of the industry is in your hands and want to be mindful of the current and future challenges for your generation.
We believe that with your help we can develop a more equitable industry and enable people to connect on screen with stories that resonate with them. We want to create a more open and challenging sector and help build more sustainable businesses to support it.
Trustees provide direction, challenge and support to our leadership team. We don't want you to deliver work or get involved with day-to-day operations (although we would love you to attend our events and programmes) - what we need are fresh perspectives alongside oversight and supportive encouragement as well.
Job Responsibilities
Key info
ICO Trustees usually serve three years in the first instance, but if a year is all you can commit to, we still want to hear from you.
Expenses are paid for attendance at board meetings.