PGGB's course was amazing - I learnt a lot. It was really useful, I would definitely recommend it. It makes you focus in a clear way. Sometimes you move up without having access to training, so it’s good to harness this knowledge.The Rings of Power, Andor, No Time to DIe

Our Training Courses
Our Training Courses
All our training is delivered by top film and TV professionals at the cutting edge of production. Courses are designed specifically to meet the needs of our Members in production, accounts, locations, assistant directing, post-production and VFX

PGGB's course offered a realistic grounding in film production that allowed me to access a wide range of mentors, industry contacts and knowledge. It meant I could move forward in my career with a happy feeling of confidence.Barbie, Wonka, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

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Join our Training Mailing List
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