FilmRichmond is your go-to resource for all commercial filming requests in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Since 2004, Sue Lewis and Sarah Hillman have led the team, combining their extensive industry experience to facilitate smooth production processes for all involved.
Over two decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of filming days every year, and also a huge change in the type of filming taking place. What began as the management of applications for small-scale terrestrial programs has evolved into a dynamic hub for feature films and high-end TV series production.A standout success has been the Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso, which has put Richmond firmly on the global filming map, drawing tourists to iconic locations like Ted’s front door and the red phone boxes on Richmond Green.
Below, Supervising Location Manager Nick Marshall outlines his experiences on the series in collaboration with the film office.
“Being set in Richmond and largely based around the (fictional) football club AFC Richmond, many key locations for the series Ted Lasso - Ted’s Flat, the Pub, the Green, Rebecca’s House, Keeley’s House as well as assorted Bars, Restaurants, Shops & Streets - necessarily needed to be located in Richmond too.
Fortunately, with such a great range of locations in the borough, there were plenty of options for every requirement and a handsome selection was settled upon. However, negotiating such a dense area with a large crew, often large numbers of supporting artists, ample equipment and a seemingly never-ending convoy of vehicles was an altogether different matter, none of which would have been possible without the support, guidance and can-do attitude of FilmRichmond whose deep knowledge of the nuances of filming in their borough cannot be overstated.
Inevitably filming in residential areas can be a minefield - some residents more enthusiastic than others, some more tolerant than others and some (sometimes not without good reason) downright affronted by the mere presence of a camera! But, thanks to FilmRichmond’s shared intelligence and historical know-how, any potential difficulties were swiftly circumnavigated, filming took place as planned and good relationships were maintained throughout.
This invaluable guidance also applied to the heavily populated commercial areas - the various arcades, courts and alleys where owners & managers can easily fret about potential loss of business when a film crew turn up no matter the advance notice, the various consultations and any financial arrangements that have already been agreed. Again, forewarned was forearmed, and, again, good relationships were maintained.
And, of course, arguably the least popular aspect of a descending film crew, the large and cumbersome vehicles that accompany it. The ever-increasing number of technical vehicles as close to the location as possible; the facility vehicles & crew cars a little further away but nonetheless extensive and, increasingly these days, the unquenchable desire to bring the caterers (in some capacity) to invariably the least appropriate place possible in order to both optimise shooting time and keep up crew morale.
And all this compounded by the need to return to the same locations, and more, several times across the series!
Only with the knowledge, experience, guidance and goodwill of FilmRichmond - who know the fine line to tread between the real world and the filming world - can this be achieved harmoniously. The invaluable relationships that are built not only with the various location personnel who drift in and out of the borough according to filming schedules but, more importantly, with residents, resident associations, businesses, charitable organisations, highways, parks, waterways and many more make filming in Richmond not only possible but also, as one of the more unique and beautiful areas of Greater London, a pleasure.”
Nick Marshall Supervising Location Manager, Ted Lasso