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Northern Ireland

PGGB Visit Northern Ireland with Sunbelt Rentals

Fri 16th Aug 2024

This week, our Talent Executive Jonny Shelton spent two days in Belfast alongside Jenny Clark of PGGB Business Partner Sunbelt Rentals.

Having reached out across the PGGB Membership base in Northern Ireland to put together a packed schedule, Jonny and Jenny were ecstatic at the prospect of seeing old friends and making new ones during their stay. Keen to listen to the thoughts, feelings and reflections of all of those met, they made the most of a couple of busy days in the sunny capital. 

Paula Crickard, Vice Chair of PGGB’s Northern Ireland Committee, met the pair in the café at The Linen Hall, where – in the shadow of Belfast City Hall - their discussion centred on how both current and prospective PGGB Members in the nation can gather as much value from being a part of the organisation as possible.

The pair also toured Belfast Harbour Studios with Property Manager Mark Doherty. It was impressive to see the strides they are making. New investments in studio sound stages and virtual production spaces demonstrate their understanding of the sector’s requirements, and their commitment to continued expansion having already hosted some of the world’s biggest films and stars is wonderful to see.

The centrepiece of the trip was The Producer’s Breakfast, hosted by Performance Insurance, Sunbelt Rentals and PGGB, and held at 10 Square Hotel on Thursday morning. The Breakfast provided a welcome opportunity for the best in local talent to meet and network, and it was great to see the sharing of stories, practices, updates and good will. 

We were really pleased to see such good numbers in attendance, including Location Manager and PGGB NI Committee Member Naomi Liston, who took time out of a hectic schedule of nightshoots on location to come and say hello!