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CAMA: Sustainability & Asset Storage Solutions. Software demo for PG members over zoom

Thu 21st May 2020

CAMA’s storage and sustainability solutions have been used by many of the major studios including Netflix, Universal, Paramount and Miramax and is available to all productions regardless of size.

MD of the family run company, Michaele Apostolides and Sustainability Manager Yosien Burke are offering one to one demo’s over zoom to PG members of their unique online asset management software. This software enables productions to locate their assets easily online, and choose whether they would like them to be delivered back to the production, shared, reused, repurposed or recycled.

Over the past two years, CAMA has been leading the way with sustainability, helping film & TV productions to store, repurpose, share and recycle their assets in a secure, seamless and thorough way. This can include anything from sets, props and costumes to the production office furniture and paperwork.

Using their unique online software, every physical asset from a production that is stored with CAMA is photographed, itemised and uploaded onto their online portal. At the end of the shoot, production teams, can easily decide, without having to travel to the warehouse and wade through boxes, what assets they would like to sell, reuse or share.

The CAMA team can then assist with resale, advise what charities and social enterprises they can support or open up the asset list for other productions to browse through.

Due to the increasing demand for this sustainable service, CAMA are currently developing their software to include more options for sharing, as well as developing partnerships with prop houses and repurposing organisations.

To book your demo or for further information please email [javascript protected email address]

Read what productions are saying about CAMA here.

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