The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has announced it will be bringing its first online digital event series to the public over the coming weeks. For many years BAFTA’s programme of events and online content has brought unparalleled insights into the craft of film, games and television - but this is the first series of events delivered solely online and open to all. Those wanting to attend events can register at
During this period of self-isolation, BAFTA is supporting the film, games and television industries to stay connected. Networking and mentoring have always been a key part of BAFTA’s learning programme, and this is something BAFTA will continue to deliver online. Following every Masterclass, there will be a professional industry networking opportunity, helping to give the industry the tools needed to further their creative development.
As part of their mission to help the industry stay connected, BAFTA will also offer skills based Masterclasses to BAFTA initiative participants and members globally, with Communicating with Impact & Networking Online, taking place on Wednesday 22nd April at 2pm. Hosted by Robert Shaw Cameron, the Managing Partner of [non]fiction PEOPLE, it will explore communication coaching, people development, and innovative drama-based training.
Mariayah Kaderbhai, Head of Programmes at BAFTA, said: “We’ve been holding physical events successfully for many years, but this is the first time we’ve launched a series of events available online. We are excited to not only be delivering a strong digital program to our global members and the creative talent we support, but to be opening this up to a wider public audience than ever before. We can’t wait to see the public enjoying our free events and Masterclasses.”
BAFTA will be announcing events over the coming weeks. For more information or to register a place at an event visit