Anti-Bullying and Harrasment Principles

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The Production Guild has helped to support the first Set of Principles and Guidance to tackle bullying and harassment, specifically tailored to the screen industries.

Galvanised by a determination to eradicate bullying and harassment and support victims more effectively, the guidance has been developed by the BFI in partnership with BAFTA and in consultation with organisations including guilds, unions, industry member bodies and key agencies as well as employees and freelancers across all roles.

The Set of eight Principles cover a shared responsibility to respect others, adopt a zero tolerance approach to bullying and harassment, adhere to the laws around equality and health and safety, protect victims and witnesses, respect confidentiality, ensure that rigorous processes are in place for reporting and underline the value of inclusivity. The Principles and Guidance will be incorporated in the BFI’s Diversity Standards, promoting inclusion and representation across the industry and are available for download at .

Taking a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and harassment at every level and in all areas of the industry, the Principles and Guidance specifically address the nature and structure of the screen industries, which rely on a considerable freelance workforce. It promotes a positive, respectful and productive workplace culture and clearly defines inappropriate behaviour, with the aim of preventing and prohibiting conduct that may cause harm, be detrimental to individuals or expose organisations to legal action.

The Guidance is designed to provide support and empower both employers and employees and provide clear and practical information for employers, covering understanding the law and their responsibilities and ways to provide good quality training, how companies and individuals can develop their own policies and how to recognise and challenge inappropriate behaviour.

To create a necessary step-change in the industry, genuine and visible commitment from senior leaders across the screen industries is essential. This is why the Guidance and Principles have been developed with, and endorsed by, a broad range of partners including BAFTA, BECTU, Equity, Pact, PGGB, Women in Film & TV,  the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain, the UK Screen Alliance and UK Interactive Entertainment (Ukie), amongst others across the sector.

The Principles and Guidance will be embedded into the BFI Diversity Standards – a guide to improving inclusion and representation on and off-screen – which the industry are strongly encouraged to adopt. BFI-funded initiatives and activities have to commit to the Diversity Standards and have become an exemplar for UK film securing commitment from BAFTA, Film4 and BBC Films across their film activities.

Lyndsay Duthie, CEO, The Production Guild of Great Britain said: “At The Production Guild of Great Britain we recognise that crew across departments and at all levels in our industry can be at risk of inappropriate behaviour. In a predominantly freelance industry, it can be difficult to challenge bullying and harassment when it happens, for fear of getting a reputation as a troublemaker, which carries the obvious risk of damaging one’s career.

“I hope that the Guidance will give confidence to crew to challenge inappropriate behaviour as and when it happens. Freelancers and permanently employed members of our industry will have an independent place to go to discuss issues and seek help, so that problems can be dealt with in a time sensitive manner.”