Led by 1st Assistant Director Patrick James Stephens, this two-day course offers an in-depth study in how to effectively prepare, mark up & breakdown a script for a film or tv production schedule. The course will demonstrate the tagging abilities of Final Draft and what is required for exporting into Movie Magic scheduling.
What does the course include:
- Understanding how to read a script for production purposes.
- How to mark up scene headings and elements (cast, props, background)
- Learn about formatting issues, page count, how to correct & amend - why it matters for scheduling
- Check & correct scene headings and character/elements consistency.
- How to 'tag' effectively in Final Draft and export to Movie Magic
Who is the course for?
Anyone wishing to understand how to mark-up scripts whether for preproduction or just for use on the filming day(s). Assistant Directors, Set PA’s, 3rd ADs and upwards.
Final Draft Licenses
With thanks to Final Draft and Sargent-Disc, we can include the complimentary loan of a Final Draft licence for each attendee for the duration of the course.
Please note that your place is not confirmed until we receive payment.
If you have any queries, please contact training@productionguild.com
Course Tutor
Since 2001 Patrick has worked as a 1st AD on a diverse range of budgets for both film & tv productions and became a member of the Directors Guild of America (DGA) in 2022.

We recognise that this is a challenging time for many in our industry for our members and we're keen to make this course accessible. So if cost is a barrier for you, please get in touch with us by emailing training@productionguild.com.
Join waiting list

If you are looking for help to cover course fees there are several organisations that may be able to help you.
Please read through our terms and conditions before booking your course.