For over 30 years Coutts Media Office has specialised in Film, Television, Music, Advertising, Literary Publishing, Marketing, Technology and Creative Services industries. We deliver production banking services and are committed to providing independent producers with project finance for film and TV Productions that meet our criteria. We do this by utilising our wealth of experience and expertise in these highly specialised sectors utilising an extensive network of industry participants.

We have a unique business offering, centred around the very specific needs of the film and television industry.

Specialist financing services:

  • Project loans to finance film and TV content against pre-sales, broadcaster and streamer commissions
  • Loan financing for asset purchase including merger and acquisition transactions
  • Project loans against acceptable tax incentives within the UK and select tax incentives available overseas
  • Working capital overdraft facilities
  • Lending secured on the value of intellectual property
  • Loans to acquire business premises
  • Loans to acquire new businesses

Commercial banking services:

  • Business current account, accessible via Coutts Online and Coutts Mobile
  • Business cards – charge and cash
  • Deposits and cash management
  • Expert treasury and currency management
  • Direct access to your relationship manager or banker