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PSN FAM Trip: Spain

Fri 17th Nov 2023

At the end of October, PGGB business partner Production Service Network (PSN) hosted a dozen filmmakers for a familiarisation trip to Spain.

Attendees included three PGGB Members: Alex Boden, Nigel Wooll and Mark Hubbard (all producers). The trip took them to the major cities of Madrid and Valencia and their surrounding regions, visiting studios, locations and more.

All three Guild members sent glowing reports of the trip, and of the notion of these FAM trips themselves.

A group of people posing for a photo

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"You know the crews here are good, I know that. You know the facilities are good. But going around on these locations is really important… All in all, it is so invaluable" says Nigel Wooll. Mark Hubbard agrees: "I think it just means that you're more reassured that you know that you would be able to shoot something in Spain. You know just because you spent time here looking at what it's got to provide. It's a reassurance… the more places you've been the more they're on your radar as possibilities.”

For Alex Boden, "there's also the added benefit of the people you meet on the FAM trip. It's a well curated group of producers, heads of production, from studios, independent productions, you might even have good location managers who you can then compare notes with… We're a lot of people doing the same thing. The more we share this information the better."