Industry Services

The Production Guild aims for its services to be delivered equitably and meet the diverse needs of our members. We also strive to provide equal access to opportunities to those entering the industry. Our Diversity and Inclusion Action Group launched in 2020 aims to increase visibility of diverse production personnel and help mid-level career progress through the ranks.

Supporting inclusivity within the production industry

The Production Guild promotes equality and diversity within its membership and through all of our training courses and events. Our aim is to promote an inclusive culture for all our members, staff and trainees.

We do this by respecting and valuing individual differences and not treatingtreat our members, staff or trainees differently on the basis of race, ethnicity, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, experience, opinion, belief, socio economic background, caring duties or any other factor.

The Production Guild recognises the difficulties many new entrants face when trying to find work in the film and TV drama industry. We aim to find new routes into the production industry for people from all backgrounds and to open them up to as many people as possible.

Organisations that can help you build a diverse crew

The following resources provide lists of the organisations that can help feature film and HETV drama productions cast a wide net when recruiting and building their teams:

The Digital Orchard Foundation's Equality in Focus Guide - Provides guidance on training, action plans, and resources for improving diversity and inclusion within the sector. Page 32 onwards lists organisations that can help productions crew up.

Look Beyond The List - This website links to talent lists, training schemes, industry support, festivals, and other action taking bodies that support diversity and inclusion within the film and TV sector.


Call It! - Founded by Producer, Jules Hussey, Director, Delyth Thomas and Producer & Consultant Kate Wilson the Call It! App is a great tool for productions.

When you set up an account with Call It!, your workers will have free access to an entirely anonymised app to record their daily treatment via a simple traffic-light system and make a note of any incidents of workplace bullying and harassment.

Your live dashboard will show you how many green, amber and red lights are recorded each day, week, month and for the duration of the project, plus you can access the data regarding any workplace bullying and harassment. The information is there to facilitate your best practice leadership and project management. Call It! is your all-important canary in the coal mine, prompting action and early intervention and empowering you with information.

We believe everyone wants to be treated well and to treat people well. After all, protecting workers’ mental health and wellbeing is good for business, offering a £5 return for every £1 spent (Deloitte).

Become a TAP Activator

TAP was formed in response to the campaign by Underlying Health Condition (UHC), which was set up by disabled creatives Genevieve Barr, Katie Player and Holly Lubran, along with screenwriter Jack Thorne, following his impassioned MacTaggart Lecture at Edinburgh TV Festival in 2021.

In Spring 2022, some of the UK’s main broadcasters and streamers met to discuss how to improve access for Deaf, Disabled and/or Neurodivergent talent across the TV industry.

Officially launched in August 2022, TAP is now an alliance of ten of the UK’s biggest broadcasters and streamers who have pledged to work together to create a substantive and permanent structural shift to ensure access provision for Disabled talent.

Its vision is to see full inclusion by 2030 – that is to say, a television industry where no Disabled talent is ever excluded because barriers have been removed and equity created.

At the heart of TAP is ambitious co-creation between disabled people and the wider industry to deliver sustainable solutions with buy-in for and from everyone.

We want as many businesses and organisations to sign up to be TAP Activators. Originally focused on Studios, Post Production (including Animation, Vis FX), Location Facilities suppliers and Outside Broadcast companies, others can be encouraged to sign up too.

Download the TAP Activator Commitments here
Learn More


The Production Guild of Great Britain works in partnership with the charity MAMA YOUTH. The organisation aims to increase diversity in the TV and film industry and curb unemployment for young people.

We support Mama Youth through a number of initiatives, including raising money for them at The Production Guild of Great Britain awards. Our primary aim is to help raise the profile of their work and the skills of their trainees to PGGB members and the film and TV drama industry as a whole.

To Learn more about MAMA YOUTH click here.