Aimed at individuals working in all grades and departments represented by PGGB’S membership (including production, accounts, ADs, locations, post-production and VFX supervisors and co-ordinators), PGGB’s Diversity and Inclusion Mentor Scheme is designed to help underrepresented talent at entry, early, experienced and expert levels, to reach the next level of their career in their chosen field. Mentors have been selected from PGGB’s membership talent and business partners, who have all worked in film and High-End TV production at a senior level.
Professor Lyndsay Duthie, PGGB CEO, says: “Following an exceptionally strong response to our call for mentee and mentor applicants earlier this year, I’m so pleased to see our Mentor Scheme move out of the starting blocks with 15 talented individuals matched to some of the most experienced senior production professionals working in the UK today. This first cohort spans talent of differing ages at various points in their careers, all looking to progress to next level. For the next six months they will receive dedicated regular contact time with their mentors, who will help them hone their goals, overcome challenges and implement effective steps to help them progress along their chosen career path.”
Samantha Perahia, Head of Production UK, British Film Commission says: “We’re delighted to partner with PGGB to help improve diversity and inclusion behind the camera. Access to experienced crew is a vital component of any successful stage space development. This kind of initiative, which focusses on diversity and inclusion both at new entrant level and through Continuing Professional Development, is essential in ensuring that our world-class crew base continues to develop and grow. I can’t wait to see what the talented individuals chosen for this scheme do next.”
Jivan Mann, PGGB’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Group Producer says: “This is a fantastic opportunity for both mentors and mentees to really help the future leaders of today change the landscape of production for tomorrow. We kicked off at the end of July with a sound discussion around the benefits of mentoring, experiences of privilege and career progression, followed by training on how to get the best out of mentoring in conjunction with ScreenSkills. We can’t wait to check in with our mentees soon to see how they are developing as the scheme progresses.”
PGGB’s Diversity and Inclusion Mentor Scheme is supported by the ScreenSkills Mentoring Network which is supported by the BFI, awarding National Lottery funds as part of its Future Film Skills strategy. It is part of PGGB’s Mission Inclusion programme (#MI21) delivered in partnership with the British Film Commission, designed by PGGB’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Group (DIAG) to empower production personnel to expand their networks and ensure they are hiring diverse production teams.
Meet our mentees and mentors below.

"Fundamentally, I believe our workforce should reflect our society. I think it makes for a better industry, one that has breadth of vision and relevant storytelling, collaborative perspectives and integrity. So if we get better at identifying barriers to this, and collectively hold ourselves accountable to introduce and elevate a workforce built on both merit and equal opportunity, we should find our leaders become more representative. I hope that in 5 years we can spend less time trying to break down barriers and more time celebrating the benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion."Chair of PGGB Board and Head of Production for Scripted TV and Film at Pulse Films
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